Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition

Baldur’s wait – again.

by CJ Wheeler

If there’s one thing legendary ’90s RPG Baldur’s Gate taught us it was that you must gather your party before venturing forth. Alas, the developers behind 2012’s Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition are having to spend a little longer getting the party started for the game’s first tablet-based adventure.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
“Oh dear… we appear to have taken a wrong turn.”
“This isn’t turn-based.”
“Fly, you fools!”
“He’ll beat us at that too.”

Like many of you, Wintriguing has been counting the days until the release of BG:EE. We even put it in our calendar. Seriously, we set the Viking horn alarm on our phone. It saddens us, then, to pass on the bad news that Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition for iOS has slipped again and won’t be launched on November 28 after all.

The game’s release had already been pushed back from September 18 to make sure the game delivered the best experience possible. Apple declined the latest build after a game-breaking bug was discovered, although earlier builds had been approved. The justifiably over-excited people at Overhaul Games are working hard to fix the game as soon as possible, with project lead Trent Oster tweeting, “We aren’t going home until the new build is submitted. We’ve done a lot of builds and testing and we are close now.”

Nearly there guys! With a whole new adventure, over 400 enhancements and three new characters and incorporating the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack, BG:EE is definitely worth waiting for. Now where did we put that miniature giant space hamster…

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition is out for Windows on November 28 at $19.99, Mac ($19.99) and iOS ($9.99) not long after, and Android ($9.99) sometime before Christmas. Do yourself a favour and pre-load the game for PC now at

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