
Oomph-timus Prime.

It’s been more than a little while since we heard anything about Jagex’s browser-based multiplayer Autobot versus Decepticon smash-fest, Transformers Universe. So long, in fact, that we were totally surprised when a sweeter-than-Energon trailer promoting the game’s upcoming move into closed beta appeared. Robots in disguise indeed.

Jagex describes Transformers Universe as a “massively online, tactical action game” aimed at casual/hardcore gamers and Transformers fans alike, although presumably not your mum. Can’t please everyone. Big names from Transformers canon are set to occasionally show their metallic faces, according to Jagex CEO Mark Gerhard.

We’re not sure if “tactical action” means the game is heading in an XCOM: Enemy Unknown direction, but that would be awesome. Players will take on the role of an Autobot or Decepticon commander. Each commander leads a squad of Transformers created specifically for the game by Jagex and Hasbro. Squads can team up or battle against other players’ Transformers across the information superhighway.

Transformers Universe should be live and free-to-play sometime in summer 2014. Keep your optics trained on the game’s official website for regular updates and opportunities to join the beta. ‘Til all are one!

Featured image: Jagex

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