
Guile theme goes with everything.

There’s a new Sonic the Hedgehog game coming from SEGA, headed exclusively to Nintendo consoles in 2014. Developed by Big Red Button Entertainment for Wii U and Sanzaru Games for 3DS, Sonic Boom is based on an upcoming animated TV show.

This time, Sonic is taking fashion tips from Uncharted‘s Nathan Drake, Tails has gone a bit steampunk, Knuckles has turned proper hench and Amy… um… still has a giant hammer.

Feel free to debate Amy’s Bechdel test status ad nauseum. Image: SEGA

The sprightly blue urchin also seems to be heading to Arrakis, judging by the giant sandworm looming over the mammalian quartet at the end of the game’s announcement trailer. If you will insist on running around so much, Sonic.

The trailer gives a first glimpse at Sonic Boom for Wii U. Sonic’s new desert-chic look might not come as a surprise when you learn that Big Red Button has former Naughty Dog staff heading up creative development for its version of the game.

That could be great news for gameplay if Naughty Dog’s roots in the Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter IPs are anything to go by. Big Red Button has acknowledged that the team dynamic of Sonic 2 and exploratory happenings of Sonic Adventure were influential in Sonic Boom‘s development too. An intriguing mix.

Separated at scarf. Images: Naughty Dog/SEGA

Those interested in just how much or how little their childhood is being bastardised can head over to the official site for the Sonic Boom TV show and game. Or they could just rock backwards and forwards holding their legs to their chest while sobbing in a corner. We’re holding out hope for Sonic Boom at Overworld Towers.

What do you think of Sonic’s new look? Fire off your thoughts in the comments.

Sources: SEGA Europe on YouTube, SEGA Blog and The Guardian

Featured image: SEGA

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