
The redesigned handheld will be bundled with Borderlands 2.

We Brits got it last week, and Japan’s had it in six snazzy shades for months. Now, Sony has officially announced PS Vita Slim is to launch in the US.

In a different approach to other territories, Sony is planning to package the svelte companion to PS4 in a limited edition bundle for $199.99. The Slim bundle will coincide with Borderlands 2’s arrival for Vita this spring. An 8GB memory card is set to make its way into the mix too, which is pretty sweet considering the British price for a solo Vita Slim is around $100 more.

PS Vita Slim shaves 20% off the depth and 15% from the weight of its elder sibling, and adds a micro USB port for charging from ubiquitous smartphone adaptors. There’s also 1GB of internal storage – the first Vita model had none – meaning a proprietary Sony memory card isn’t immediately needed. Yet some commentators have criticised the removal of the earlier Vita’s OLED display in favour of a power-saving LED alternative.

Featured image: Sony

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