LucasArts games development closed by Disney

But they'll still be selling those fine leather jackets. by CJ Wheeler In a sad move for longtime gamers, Disney has ended development at LucasArts. The company was famous for its Star Wars titles based on the films produced by parent company LucasFilm, as well as point-and-click graphic adventures released in the '80s and '90s. … Continue reading LucasArts games development closed by Disney

Marvel vs Capcom 2 iOS iPad iPhone App Store

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for iOS review

Martial arts for your mobile by CJ Wheeler Mobile gamers quickly learn to keep an eye on what's popping up in their respective Store, but it's rare that you come across an unexpected update of a classic. 12 years ago, Capcom teamed with Marvel to give us a console-based crossover for the ages: Marvel vs. … Continue reading Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for iOS review